Tickets now available for FOOD FUNDED 2024 NYC [click to purchase tickets]

Food Funded East is an entrepreneur and investor gathering to catalyze the flow of capital to BIPOC food and farm businesses.

NoV. 12, 2024 | Civic Hall - 124 E 14th St (near Union Square)


Slow Money NYC is a local network of Slow Money, a national non-profit catalyzing investment in sustainable food and farms.

We build community, spark dialogue, and inspire action at the nexus of food and funding in the New York area foodshed.

Learn more about Slow Money Principles, and sign on to join the movement.



Attend an event

Join our Meetup Group to stay on top of all of our upcoming events!

Interested in volunteering? Email us at:

Get involved

Invest in sustainable food businesses: 


Local Farms Fund

